Program Highlights

At Heartwood Preschool we are a close-knit community of families who maintain friendships long after their Heartwood years. We blend the philosophy of a Montessori mixed-age classroom with the natural rhythm of a Waldorf program and the child-led project based learning of the Reggio Emilia approach.

Each child has a journal in which we write every day to give you a peek into their day-friendships, activities, skills they are working on, and any special projects they enjoyed.

Download our Daily Rhythm schedule

5-Star Rating Through Oregon’s QRIS

Solar Powered Facility

Amazing Art Specialist

Large Community Garden Plot Two Blocks Away

State Certified Since 2003

Certified Wildlife Habitat

Music Together Program

Variety of Classroom Pets to Love

Certified Eco-Healthy Child Care

Screen-Free Environment

Yoga Instructor

Voted 2014 Family Favorite Runner-Up By Metro Parent/PDX Kids Calendar