Music Together

Music Together Heartwood Preschool

Heartwood Preschool is the first Licensed Music Together Preschool in Portland!

Music Together is an internationally recognized early childhood music program for babies, toddlers, preschoolers, kindergartners, and the adults who love them. First offered to the public in 1987, it pioneered the concept of a research-based, developmentally appropriate early childhood music curriculum that strongly emphasizes and facilitates adult involvement. Music Together classes are based on the recognition that all children are musical. All children can learn to sing in tune, keep a beat, and participate with confidence in the music of our culture, provided that their early environment supports such learning.

We are very fortunate to be a Licensed Music Together Preschool. Each weekly class is facilitated by a Certified Music Together Instructor and includes an artistically conceived flow of songs, nursery rhymes, instrumental jam sessions, finger plays and movement activities. The combination and types of activities support children’s developing competence in tonality and rhythm. In addition, activities evolve from the child’s world and include vocal play, animal sounds, rhythm play, language play and a good bit of genuine silly fun. Our classroom teachers generate ways to incorporate music throughout each day and children “take the music home” to their parents through the family CDs and songbook. In this way, the entire school community learns the same songs, and a school-wide musical community is created!

Heartwood Preschool offers this program at no additional charge to our families.

Benefits of a family’s participation in Music Together Preschool include:

  • Two professionally recorded CDs
  • Illustrated songbook with family activities to enjoy at home
  • Parent/caregiver DVD and printed guide to children’s musical development
  • Semi-annual family newsletter Play Along from Music Together