Welcome to Heartwood
Heartwood Preschool is a child-centered educational community that provides for the development of the whole child while fostering curiosity, creativity, confidence, and empathy.
We are committed to providing a learning approach that supports children’s growth through hands-on experiences; time for observations and questioning; and opportunities for exploration, repetition, and discovery.
We encourage the children to maintain their natural curiosity and love of learning while participating in a structured play-based environment. The arts are valued and infused in our school.
Heartwood is an eco-healthy child care facility and has been state-certified since 2003.
We have been awarded a 5-Star rating through Oregon’s Quality Rating and Improvement System (QRIS). This is the highest rating awarded and reflects the quality of our program.
Come Discover With Us
Our classroom is full of opportunities for discovery. A child’s day may consist of baking banana bread, drawing in their journal, dressing up, collaborating with friends, singing songs, painting at the easel, embroidering on fabric, building in the block area or at the light table, looking at books in our cozy corner,counting and sorting beans, creating stories, helping a friend with a puzzle, or exploring our nature table. Specialists in areas such as Spanish, music, art and yoga have regularly visited our classroom to further enhance children’s experiences.
Playing and exploring outside are integrated parts of our day. Digging in the garden, filling bird feeders, role playing in our inviting playhouse, creating on our weaving wall, climbing on the play structure, as well as seasonal activities such as releasing ladybugs and butterflies, washing pumpkins, and harvesting beans all take place in our play yard.
Our Community
The teachers at Heartwood understand the importance of family in the eyes of a child. There are opportunities for home visits, seasonal celebrations, parent potlucks, Family Music Together classes, and participation on field trips.
At Heartwood, we hope that the children will develop a respect for their environment and world, develop a strong sense of self-esteem, learn how to make healthy choices, and learn how to get along and care for one another. We want them to have a strong sense of community while maintaining their own uniqueness and individuality.